Things to know while choosing a submersible pump
If you don’t live in a moderately dense urban area, your home will likely have to have its own system for drawing water from a well. There are more than 15 million households in the United States that rely on private wells, and well pumps are necessary for bringing that water to the surface.
There are a couple main types of pumps: jet pumps and submersible pumps. Jet pumps must be filled with water before they begin working, and are mounted above the wells, drawing water to the surface through a suction process. They create pressure with an impeller that moves water through a narrow orifice in the housing of the well, increasing the water speed.
Submersible pumps, meanwhile, must be fully submerged in liquid, and run a series of impellers that push water up the pipe into a storage tank at the surface. Here’s a bit of information you should consider when selecting a submersible pump system in Hillsborough County, FL.
Installing submersible pumps
Submersible pumps in deep wells use a pressure tank to push water through a pipe that connects the inside well to the home. That pump is capable of extracting water from up to 400 feet deep. There are two-wire pump varieties, which have built-in controls, as well as three-wire pump varieties, which require the installation of an entirely separate control box.
While jet pumps are capable of handling some very deep water as well, submersible pumps are much more effective for deep water wells in Hillsborough County, FL. This is because the pump pushes rather than lifts the water.
Submersible pumps feature a cylindrical shape. The bottom half of the pump has a sealed pump motor that is connected to the above-ground power source. That motor controls a system of impellers that pushes the water up the pipe. When the pressure switch turns on, the impellers begin to spin, which is what creates the force that draws the water into the pump. That water gets sent through the body of the pump into the storage tank at the surface. An adapter connected to the plumbing system then controls the access to the well’s piping through the well casing, which sends water from the pump into the plumbing system throughout the home.
One of the primary advantages of using submersible pumps is that they’re less likely to experience mechanical problems due to the difficulties associated with pulling water from a well. Because they are underwater at all times, they will never lose prime, which is one of the common issues for above-ground pumps. In addition, cavitation (excess air or gas getting into the pump’s mechanical components) is also rarely an issue with submersible pumps, because the pumps are below the surface of the water.
In general, you can expect submersible pumps to perform well for 25 years before you need to think about replacing them.